Board Members

Te Poari | Board Members

The Board is made up of the Principal, one staff elected representative , five parent elected representatives, and a student elected representative. Board members are elected by parents and staff members every three years, while the student representative is elected annually. The Board is also able to co-op additional trustee members if required.

The Board's responsibilities include governing the school and setting its direction. This includes the curriculum, staff, property, health and safety, finance and administration. The long-term goals and annual targets for the school are set in a charter, which the board monitors and reports annually on progress towards.

Board meetings are public meetings and can be attended by interested parents. If you would like to attend please advise the Board Secretary in advance.  Please note that should there be issues that need to be addressed "In Committee" then you will be asked to leave during that period of discussion.

Desiree Paul Presiding Member
Nikau Lightband Student Representative
Kara Lummis Staff Representative
Alexcia Knowles-Whaitiri Parent Representative
Aimee Williams Parent Representative
Jason Ellery Parent Representative
Matthew Fraser Principal

If you have any issues or concerns, you are welcome to write to the Board via Mrs Deidre Petersen:

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