
Kākahu Kura | Uniform

Students are expected to wear their uniforms with respect for themselves and pride in their school.

Uniform is compulsory in Years 9 to 12. Although Year 13 students are allowed to wear mufti, and periodically the whole College has a mufti day, what is worn must be appropriate. Copies of the Mufti Dress Code are available from the College Office and are on display in classrooms.

There is no winter or summer uniform. The uniform items for boys and girls listed here can be worn in combinations appropriate for the weather.

All items of uniform are available through the Manawatū College Uniform Shop (with minimal mark-up) , which is accessible between 8.30am and 2.00pm each school day. For an appointment to purchase a complete uniform please phone Ms Kerry McGhie ph 363 6550 (school hours). Please allow up to 30 minutes to outfit a student.

A minimum deposit of $200 is required before uniform can be collected. 

All items of uniform are available (with minimal mark-up) from the College’s Uniform Shop.

Trousers $65.00
Shorts $55.00
Shirts* $49.00
Socks $11.00
Shoes $40.00
Skirts* $74.00
Blouses* $49.00
Socks $3.00
Tights $6.00
Shoes $35.00
Jersey $82.00
Light jacket $60.00
Wet weather jacket $92.00
Scarf $38.00
Track suits $116.00
House t-shirt $15.00

* Special sized garments can be made to your requirements. They usually take about six to eight weeks and can cost approximately $10 – $20 extra per item.

 To completely outfit a Year 9 girl with a skirt, 2 blouses, a jersey, a jacket, 2 pair of socks and a House T-shirt will cost $335.00

 To completely outfit a Year 9 boy with a pair of shorts, a pair of longs, 2 shirts, a jersey, a jacket, 2 pair of socks and a House T-shirt will cost $397.00


Students are able to wear suitable ‘mufti’ clothes for Physical Education


College tracksuits are compulsory for all students representing the College in sport and other activities. College tracksuits are compulsory travelling and sideline uniform for all members of all College sports teams. Tracksuit tops are not to be worn around the school as a substitute for a College jacket


The College provides most sports uniform on loan.

Students are required to purchase:

  • royal blue/sky blue College sports socks for hockey, soccer and non-1st XV rugby
  • College unisex sports shorts for hockey, soccer and basketball
  • A College track suit, if they don’t already have one


  • Manawatū College cap
  • Manawatū College scarf
  • Manawatū College tie, which is to be worn with a plain white short or long-sleeved stiff-collared business blouse or shirt


  • Nail polish and obvious make-up are not to be worn with school uniform
  • Hair must always be clean and tidy. Extreme hair styles and un-natural colours are not acceptable. Male students are to be clean shaven.
  • Jewellery is restricted to one wrist watch, and one plain gold or silver stud or sleeper per ear for those wearing uniform.
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